Awesome Python Scripts

  Awesome Python Scripts

awesome python scripts to make tedious tasks easy

  •   stayUpdated:
    If its your placement season and there are regular updates on your placement website, then this is the script which will save your time and notifies you through SMS whenever there is any new update.

    This script is designed for, so if you are AIT student then BINGO!!!, or else make some changes according to your placement website.
    SinchSMS is used to send SMS to yourself and way2sms is used to send SMS to multiple users.
  •   trackGitHubStars:
    This script finds top 10 starred repos of user on GitHub

  •   getNotified:
    This script sends SMS to user if price of product on lowers down to expected price.

  •   quoraTopAnswers:
    This script fetches the 10 most upvoted answer urls from the topics user is following.
  •   fbFun:
    This script send message(s)(text, emoji or images) to friend on facebook through terminal.